About Doctor

My Story

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Trabzon Kanuni Anatolian High School


Karadeniz Technical University, Faculty of Medicine


Bologna University, Medicine Faculty (Erasmus exchange programme)

Other Professional Positions

General Practitioner
Trabzon Araklı Communtiy Health Center

Postdoctoral Training

Resident of Urology
University of Health Sciences
İstanbul Ümraniye Training and Research Hospital

Other Professional Positions

Bilecik Bozüyük State Hospital

Other Professional Positions

Medar Hospital (Ataşehir / İstanbul)

Professional Societies
2014 - Turkish Medical Association
2017 - European Association of Urology
2020 - Turkish Association of Urology
2022 - IURES International Urologic Research Society

Why People Choose Me

when quality matters to you

Reviews, chapters, monographs and editorials

Sobay R, Tahra A, Şen UT, Suçeken FY, Küçük EV, Boylu U. Comparison of Oncological and Functional Results of Open and Robot-

Assisted Laparoscopic Radical Cystectomy for Bladder Cancer. Haydarpasa Numune Med J 2018;58(4):179–186.

Sobay, R., Tahra, A., Suçeken, F. Y., Şen, U. T., & Küçük, E. V. (2019). Microsurgical Subinguinal Varicocelectomy in Patients with Recurrent or Persistent Varicocele.

Haydarpaşa Numune Training and Research Hospital, 59 Books/textbooks for the medical or scientific community The Medical Journal Of (1), 64-66.

Tahra A, Sen UT, Sobay R, İnkaya A, Kucuk EV, Boylu U. Comparison of Retzius-sparing versus standard robot-assisted radical prostatectomy for prostate cancer. Actas Urol Esp (Engl Ed). 2022 Feb 24:S2173-5786(21)00156-6. English, Spanish. doi: 10.1016/j.acuroe.2021.12.003. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35221232.

Culpan M, Keser F, Acar HC, Otunctemur A, Kucuk EV, Erdem S, Ozer M, Sen UT, Degirmenci E, Ergul R, Atis RG, Yildirim A. Impact of delay in cystoscopic surveillance on recurrence and progression rates in patients with non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer during the COVID-19 pandemic. Int J Clin Pract. 2021 Sep;75(9):e14490. doi: 10.1111/ijcp.14490. Epub 2021 Jun 22. PMID: 34117682; PMCID: PMC8420249.

Books/textbooks for the medical or scientific community

Şen UT, Boylu U. Robotik piyeloplasti. Apaydın E, editör. Robotik Üroloji. 1. Baskı. Ankara: Türkiye Klinikleri; 2021. p.22-7.

Sen U. T, Küçük, E. V., ESWL. 2020. Ürolojide Sık Kullanılan Deney Hayvan Modelleri: p. 261-266

Sobay R, Sen. U. T, Boylu U, Operatif Teknik: Retzius Koruyucu Robotik Radikal Prostatektomi (RS- RARP). 2019. Prostat Kanseri 3(1): p. 1-9.

Küçük EV, Tahra A, Bindayı A, Yıldırım Ü, Sobay R, Şen UT. Prostatik kalsifikasyonun alt üriner sistem yakınmalarına etkisi.

Androl Bul 2017; 19(4):123−126 | doi: 10.24898 / tandro.2017.99266


Compare the perioperative, oncological and functional outcomes of retzius sparing robot assisted radical prostatectomy (RS-RARP)

and conventional robot assisted radical prostatectomy (S-RARP) in surgical treatment of prostate cancer

Main Courses

Endourology association RIRS course on model October 10, 2015

3. Robotik Ürolojik Cerrahi Kursu (3th Robotic Urologic Surgery Courses) 11-12 January, 2018 (participant and assistant in live surgery)

50. İleri Uygulamalı Laparoskopik Üroloji Kursu (50th Advanced Applied Laparoscopic Urology Course) 27-28 September, 2019

Attended Congress

4th Istanbul Urolithiasis Days 4-5 December, 2015, İstanbul, Turkey

7th Eurosian Urooncology Congress 26-29 January, 2017, Edirne, Turkey

26th National Urology Congress 12-15 October, 2017, Cyprus, Turkey

12th National Andrology Congress 18-21 May, 2017, Bodrum, Turkey

5th Istanbul Urolithiasis Days 1-2 December, 2017, İstanbul, Turkey

Pelvic Floor Live Surgery Symposium 30-31 March, 2018, İstanbul, Turkey

27th National Urology Congress 26-29 October, 2018, Cyprus, Turkey

4th Urological Surgery Congress, Oct 31, 2018-Nov 4, 2018, Turkey

7th IAU Annual Conference, 15-17 November, 2018, İstanbul, Turkey

13th Biennial Congress of Turkish Society of Endourology 11-14 April, 2019, Antalya, Turkey

Prostat Kanserinde Retzius Koruyucu Canlı Cerrahiler ( Retzius-sparing live surgeries in prostate cancer) 27 April 2019, Memorial Bahçelievler Hastanesi, İstanbul

28th National Urology Congress 10-13 October, 2019, Antalya, Turkey

9th Eurosian Urooncology Congress 16-20 October,2019,Athens,Greece

The EAU Virtual Congress 17-19 July,2020

ERUS-DRUS 20 Virtual Congress 6-7 November,2020

29. National Urology Online Congress 17-21 November 2020, Turkey

Abstracts, video and oral presentations
35th World Congress of Endourology

PP: Comparison of surgical, oncological, and functional outcomes of robot assisted and laparoscopic radical prostatectomy

U Boylu, A Inkaya, A Adiguzel, TU Sen, E Kucuk,

University of Health Sciences İstanbul Ümraniye Training and Research Hospital

37th World Congress of Endourology

PP: Comparison of Retzius sparing vs standard robot‐assisted radical prostatectomy for prostate cancer

A Tahra, U Sen, A Inkaya, E Kucuk, U Boylu

University of Health Sciences İstanbul Ümraniye Training and Research Hospital

5th Istanbul Urolithiasis Days

OP: Comparison of Synchronous and Staged Bilateral Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy Approaches in the Treatment of Bilateral Kidney Stone

Ümit Yıldırım, Ahmet Tahra, Abdurrahman İnkaya, Atılım Adıgüzel, Uğur Tolga Şen, Eyüp Veli Küçük

University of Health Sciences İstanbul Ümraniye Training and Research Hospital

7th IAU Annual Conference, 15-17 November, 2018, İstanbul, Turkey

OP: Impact of experience for retrograde intrarenal surgery

Ahmet Tahra, Resul Sobay, Abdurrahman İnkaya, Uğur Tolga Şen, Eyüp Veli Küçük

University of Health Sciences İstanbul Ümraniye Training and Research Hospital

12th National Andrology Congress, 19-22 May, 2017, Bodrum, Turkey

PP: The Effect of Prostatic Calcification on Lower Urinary System Complaints.

Küçük EV, Tahra A, Bindayi A, Yıldırım Ü, Sobay R, Şen UT.

4th Urological Surgery Congress

VP: Robot-assisted transvesical vesicovaginal fistula repair.

Tahra A, Şen UT, İnkaya A, Sobay R, Küçük EV, Boylu U

University of Health Sciences İstanbul Ümraniye Training and Research Hospital

26th National Urology Congress 12-15 October, 2017, Cyprus, Turkey

OP: Comparison of oncologic and functional outcomes of open, laparoscopic and robotik-asissted partial nephrectomy in renal tumors (Top paper sessions presentations)

Abdurrahman İnkaya, Ümit Yıldırım, Resul Sobay, Uğur Tolga Şen,Eyüp Veli Küçük, Uğur Boylu

University of Health Sciences, Umraniye Teaching Hospital, Urology

OP: Retzius-sparing approach robotic radical prostatectomy early outcomes

Abdurrahman İnkaya, Resul Sobay, Atılım Adıgüzel, Uğur Tolga Şen, Uğur Boylu

University of Health Sciences, Umraniye Teaching Hospital, Urology

PP: Microsurgical treatment of recurrent varicocele

Eyüp Veli Küçük, Ahmet Tahra, Ahmet Bindayı, Abdurrahman İnkaya, Uğur Tolga Şen

University of Health Sciences, Umraniye Teaching Hospital, Urology

PP: Comparison of early orchiectomy with long-term antibiotic therapy in oral antibiotic-resistant orchitis with masa formation

Eyüp Veli Küçük, Abdurrahman İnkaya, Uğur Tolga Şen, Ali Kumcu

University of Health Sciences, Umraniye Teaching Hospital, Urology

OP: Robotic-asissted radical cystoprostatectomy and intracorporeal ileal loop diversion results due to bladder cancer

Abdurrahmen İnkaya, Resul Sobay, Uğur Tolga Şen, Ali Kumcu, Uğur Boylu

University of Health Sciences, Umraniye Teaching Hospital, Urology

VP: Robotic-asissted radical cystoprostatectomy and intracorporeal Y neobladder

Abdurrahmen İnkaya, Resul Sobay, Uğur Tolga Şen, Ali Kumcu, Uğur Boylu

University of Health Sciences, Umraniye Teaching Hospital, Urology

27th National Urology Congress 26-29 October, 2018, Cyprus, Turkey

OP: Retzius sparing robotic-asissted radical prostatectomy: A surgical technique with early continence outcomes

Resul Sobay, Ahmet Tahra, Ferhat Yakup Suçeken, Uğur Tolga Şen, Ali Kumcu, Eyüp Veli Küçük, Uğur Boylu

University of Health Sciences İstanbul Ümraniye Training and Research Hospital

28th National Urology Congress 10-13 October, 2019, Antalya, Turkey

OP: ( Top 10 Paper Sessions) Comparison of standard robot-assisted radical prostatectomy and Retzius-sparing prostatectomy.

Tahra A, Şen UT, Sobay R, İnkaya A, Boylu U.

University of Health Sciences İstanbul Ümraniye Training and Research Hospital

VP: Robotic-assisted radical prostatectomy with preservation of bilateral pudental artery

Ahmet Tahra, Uğur Tolga Şen, Resul Sobay, Abdurrahman İnkaya, Eyüp Veli Küçük

University of Health Sciences İstanbul Ümraniye Training and Research Hospital

29th National Online Congress of Urology , 17-21 November 2020, Turkey

VP: Alternative Minimally Invasive Treatment to Open Transvesical Prostatectomy Method: Laparoscopic Simple Prostatectomy

Ferhat Yakup Suçeken, Ali Kumcu, Alper Kerem Aksoy1, Uğur Tolga Şen, Resul Sobay, Ahmet Tahra, Uğur Boylu, Eyüp Veli Küçük

1 University of Health Sciences, Umraniye Teaching Hospital, Urology

2 Ministry of Health İstanbul Medeniyet University Goztepe Education and Research Hospital

VP: Laparoscopic Radical Cystectomy and Bilateral Extended Lymph Node Dissection: A Case Report

Ali Kumcu, Ferhat Yakup Suçeken, Alper Kerem Aksoy, Uğur Tolga Şen, Kemal Ener, Uğur Boylu, Eyüp Veli Küçük

University of Health Sciences, Umraniye Teaching Hospital, Urology

VP: Should Intraoperative Frozen Examination Be Routinely Performed During Robot-Assisted Partial Nephrectomy?

Uğur Tolga Şen, Ali Kumcu, Alper Kerem Aksoy, Erdem Zengin, Abdurrahman İnkaya, Resul Sobay, Ahmet Tahra, Uğur Boylu, Eyüp Küçük

1 University of Health Sciences, Umraniye Teaching Hospital, Urology

2 Ministry of Health İstanbul Medeniyet University Goztepe Education and Research Hospital

VP: Minimally Invasive Technique in Surgical Treatment of Upper Urinary Tract Urothelial Carcinoma: Laparoscopic Nephroureterectomy

Uğur Tolga Şen, Ferhat Yakup Suçeken, Ali Kumcu, Alper Kerem Aksoy, Abdurrahman İnkaya, Uğur Boylu, Eyüp Veli Küçük

University of Health Sciences, Umraniye Teaching Hospital, Urology

VOP: The impact of delay in cystoscopic surveillance on recurrence and progression rates in non- muscle invasive bladder cancer patients during COVID-19 pandemic: a multicenter, prospective study

Meftun Çulpan, Ferhat Keser, Hazal Cansu Acar, Alper Ötünçtemur, Eyüp Veli Küçük, Selçuk Erdem, Murat Özer, Uğur Tolga Şen, Enes Değirmenci, Rıfat Ergül, Ramazan Gökhan Atış, Asıf Yıldırım

1 Ministry of Health İstanbul Medeniyet University Goztepe Education and Research Hospital

2 Universty of Istanbul-Cerrahpasa, Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty

3 University of Health Sciences Turkey, Prof. Dr. Cemil Taşçıoğlu Training and Research Hospital

4 Istanbul University of Health Sciences, Umraniye Teaching Hospital, Uro5 Istanbul University Istanbul School of Medicine

VOP: Oncological Results of Positive Surgical Margin Length in Patients Undergoing Robotic Radical Prostatectomy

Uğur Tolga Şen, Alper Kerem Aksoy, Ali Kumcu, Erdem Zengin, Ahmet Tahra, Berkan Şimşek, Eyüp Veli Küçük, Uğur Boylu

1 University of Health Sciences, Umraniye Teaching Hospital, Urology

2 Ministry of Health İstanbul Medeniyet University Goztepe Education and Research Hospital 3Dr. Lütfi Kırdar Kartal Education and Research Hospital

Surgical experiences

More than 300 assistance of laparoscopic surgery (especially lap. Radical nephrectomy, lap. Pyeloplasty, lap radical prostatectomy, lap radical cystoprostatectomy)

More than 50 main surgeon of laparoscopic surgery ( 20 lap. radical nephrectomy, 25 lap. Pyeloplasty, 10 lap. Simple nephrectomy, 5 lap nephroureterectomy)

More than 500 assistance of robotic surgery ( esp. RARP, Rs-RARP, RAPN, Robotic radical cystectomy)

More than 2000 endourologic treatment of urinary stones (esp. URS, RIRS, PCNL)

More than 500 endourological treatment of prostate (esp. TUR-P)

More than 1000 open surgery ( esp. open radical prostatectomy, open radical nephrectomy, open simple nephrectomy, open TVP, open hydrocelectomy, open varicocelectomy)

My Certificate

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About Me

Dr. Uğur Tolga Şen is a board certified Family Medicine physician who provides primary care

Working Hours

Mon - Fri: 8.00 am - 6.00 pmSaturday: 10.00 am - 3.00 pmSunday: Closed


Phone: +90 506 284 68 61Kayışdağı, Raci Cd. No:1,34755 Ataşehir/İstanbulGet Directions